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  • Oct182018

    Monday is School Board Election Day

     Beforeyouvote-getto knowyourlocal trusteecandidates

    Toronto, ON, October 18, 2018 – This Monday,October 22,MunicipalandSchoolBoardElections willbeheldthroughout theprovinceofOntario.Voters will chooseschooltrustees for72schoolboards inOntario’sfourpubliclyfundedsystems.

    Trustees aretheonlydemocraticallyelectedindividualsresponsiblefor theeducationof Ontario’s children.Voterswho want to learn more about what trustees do and who their local candidatesarecan visitelections.ontarioschooltrustees.orgbefore they head to the polls. The site wascreatedbytheOntarioEducationServicesCorporation(OESC) onbehalfofOntario’s fourschoolboard/trusteeassociations.Itfeatures a listing oftrusteecandidatesacross all of Ontario’s school boards, wards and zones. After Election Day, the site will be updated with election results.

    School board trustees play a key leadership role in public education. Get to know your local trustee candidates before voting in the Municipal and School Board Elections on October 22.

    Voters can also follow the conversation on Twitter by using the elections hashtag: #OntEdVotes.

    For more information please contact:

    T.J. Goertz – Communications and Policy Officer, Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) Email:, Tel: 416-340-2540

    Sharon McMillan – Director of Communications, Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA) Email:, Tel: 416.932.9460 ext. 232

    Marie-Josée Roy – Responsable des communications, Association franco-ontarienne des conseils scolaires catholiques (AFOCSC)

    Email:, Tel: 416.250.1754

    Anne Gerson – Chargée de communication, Association des conseils scolaires des écoles publiques de l’Ontario (ACÉPO) Email:, Tel: 647-499-4266