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School board elections are held every four years in Ontario, at the same time as municipal elections. The most recent school board elections were held on October 27, 2014, and the next school board elections will take place in 2018.


School board trustees

The election of school board trustees is governed by the Education Act and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996.

School board trustees:


School board trustees must:


Running for office

In order to run for office as a school board trustee, you must:


To learn more

Tout est entre vos mains – Élections municipales et scolaires de 2014 en Ontario. Le site Web des associations des conseils scolaires, une formidable source d’information.

Le Guide pour les candidats et le site Web

Le Guide 2014 des élections municipales et scolaires en Ontario à l’intention des candidates et candidats du ministère des Affaires municipales et du Logement